Trip leader duties: Ohakune

Ohakune Lodge

(Short checklist – more detailed list in kitchen shelf folder)

On arrival:

  1. Put door on unlock; turn on Lodge Power switch inside red door, adjust  living & dining room WALL thermostats.
  2. Welcome everyone; allocate bunks; list first & surnames on blackboard; do Safety talks with members.
  3. Fill in duties list (kitchen shelf folder) pin on club notice board, invite people to choose several chores or you allocate jobs. Check equity!
  4. Lock all doors and windows when off site, members carry own keys.

When leaving:

  1. Clean Lodge, totally empty fresh food & leftovers from fridge & pantry, unless members arriving overnight/next day.  Fax Mike on consumables sheet (kitchen shelf), about supplies.
  2. Replenish wood stocks from shed (key in workshop).
  3. Leave curtains open.
  4. Write up log book.
  5. Organise all rubbish to refuse centre or outside by Serac sign for Monday.
  6. Lock all doors, including woodshed.  Close windows.
  7. Turn off one Lodge Power switch by red door. (Fridge & freezer are on separate circuits).

Download Ohakune_tripleader_duties (Word document 28kb)