To cancel a booking
Cancellations (CHANGED for 2018)
To receive a 100% credit on bunk fees paid, cancellations MUST be made to the Administration Officer by 8pm, at least seven nights prior to your booked arrival (e.g. Friday 8 pm for the following Friday arrival).
Cancellations received between seven and two nights prior (eg. up to Wed 8 pm for the immediate Friday arrival) will receive a 50% credit.
Cancellations received thereafter (less than two full days prior) – no credit.
Members who fail to cancel bookings, or who use only part of the period booked without informing the Administration Officer in advance, will normally be liable for the full bunk fees for the full period booked.
The only exception to this is when a guest or special member booking, as detailed in the booking procedures, has been confirmed and paid for (which becomes fully non-refundable two weeks prior to the arrival date).
The Administration Officer has some discretion around the cancellation policy.
Road closure
If the road(s) is closed and Members or Guests cannot depart (only on Sunday to Thursday, or part thereof), then only 50% of the booking fee is to be paid for those additional nights affected. Serac incurs costs to administer and run the lodges. For cancellation requests, refer “Cancellations” above.
If the Bruce Road is closed and members on-route to Whakapapa are unable to get to that lodge – then, there is an option to go to the Ohakune lodge and, if necessary, sleep in the lounge (or bunks if there is space) for that night only. The trip leader at Ohakune must be advised first so that due consideration can be given to lodge health and safety issues. The Ohakune trip leader has the final say on this.